Hello there!
My name is Thomas Holmes III

About Me

I went to college for a degree in mathematics, and during my senior year I took an intro Computer Science course. We learned Scala and made some fairly basic programs, but from then on I was hooked. After graduating I got a job teaching at a tutoring company and I would teach myself Ruby in my spare time. After about 9 months my boss asked for my help with creating a database of SAT questions that could be queried based on topics, so I started looking into SQL to get a handle on what had to be done. Researching how databases work and how to query them solidified my interest in computer science.

I realized that I wanted to be a software engineer and build this kind of technology for a living. I sought out courses, and that is when I found App Academy. Through App Academy's rigorous 1000 hour course I learned Ruby on Rails, Javascript, React, and the Flux pattern along with much more. I used these different languages and skills for a bunch of projects including my full-stack music streaming app called Audio Water Vapor. Learning all of these new technologies has only given me more drive to pursue a position as a software engineer.

Skills and Technologies

  • Angular

  • React

  • Javascript

  • Typescript

  • Python

  • Redux

  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • SQL

  • Flux

  • PHP

  • jQuery

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • git


Neural Network

Identifies hand written digits though machine learning

This neural network was built to identify handwritten digits. Trained on 60,000 examples from the MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification dataset, the network uses stochastic gradient descent and backpropagation to train its weights and biases.


Audio Water Vapor

Music streaming web app, inspired by Sound Cloud.

Built as a single-page application to allow music to play unimpeded by navigating throughout the site. Uses custom-built authentication system, hashing and salting passwords with Bcrypt. Achieves better performance by utilizing Cloudinary to store audio files and to cache different sizes of images.

Live Github

Tap Tap Revolution

Javascript production of 2007 phone game.

Utilizes HTML 5 Canvas to draw graphics. Leverages object movement and size to give a 3D effect.

Live Github


Personal emotions tracking web app

Winner of the Microsoft Challenge Grand Prize at the Developer Week 2016 Hackathon. Uses Microsoft’s Cortana analytics API to quantify emotions and the Google Charts library to visualize the data that updates in real time. Implements a facial recognition authentication system that improves through machine learning by compiling pictures of the user while logging in.

Demo Github


MVC framework written in Ruby/ DOM manipulation through DSL.

Uses metaprogramming to create a ControllerBase and custom router to serve http requests. Applied DOM Api as the basis for jQuery methods.



Email: HolmesIII.Thomas@gmail.com

Phone: (908) 963-7946
